When approaching St George´s today I was looking very puzzled... When I started my trip 3 yrs ago I stopped there, had told Axel it was a run-down town but now we were looking at freshly painted houses everywhere, colourful new roofs, not many trees, all the debris from the broken down jetty cleared from the lagoon...did I remember this place at all?? Now Axel is looking at me thinking I´ve totally lost my memory! Thankfully a cruiser who has been in St G´s for the last 5 yrs cleared my confusion - 6 months after my visit hurricane Ivan hit the town TWICE and totally devastated it! This cruiser was one of only 5 boat owners out of dozens whose boat wasn´t destroyed - he gave us some excellent tips should we ever be preparing to face a hurricane when in harbour! His first hand account of being caught in a hurricane was frightening.
Also ironically 3 yrs ago there was a also cricket being played there, in Granville. That time it was a Cricket Classic with all the old and greats from cricket playing in a veterans game which I went to see and met people like Graham Gooch, Viv Richards and even took Syd Lawrence out for a sail! Today Ireland were playing England. Go the Irish!
Night night
Em x
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